Felipe Huici
Cut your Cloud Costs by Half with Unikraft
The cloud is undoubtedly a major success story, but while extremely convenient in terms of deployment and scalability, it's become increasingly clear that it is highly inefficient, with services deployed in the bloated, wasteful virtual machines (VMs). Worse, such VMs are kept on most if not all of the time, once again wasting resources, driving up both cloud infrastructure bills and energy consumption. We introduce Unikraft, a novel cloud operating system that allows for easily building cloud-ready images fully tailored to the needs of particular cloud applications. Unikraft images boot in a few milliseconds, suspend/resume in 10s of milliseconds, consume only a few MBs even when running mainstream applications (e.g., NGINX, SQLite, Redis, etc.) and can provide throughput higher than Linux. We will show Unikraft's ability to boot images just-in-time, as requests for services come in, and to go sleep thereafter, further saving resources. Unikraft is an open source Linux Foundation project and can be found at www.unikraft.org.
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