July 2nd | Dresden Research Center - Operating System & Web

00:00:00Guilei Xie
Haibo Chen
Opening Speech
00:14:03Viktor VafeiadisGetting more out of a stateless model checker [PDF]
01:00:26Nils AsmussenThe M³ Hardware/Software Platform [PDF]
01:42:16Antonio PaolilloA journey through multi-core performance debugging
02:20:48Tomasz KlodaReal-time scheduling of dynamic neural networks on multi-Edge TPU [PDF]
03:02:04Yutao Liu
Hernan Luis Ponce de Leon
Viktor Vafeiadis
Nils Asmussen & Antonio Paolillo
Tomasz Kloda
Timestamping through a Data-Structure Lens
03:37:28Manuel Rego CasasnovasServo: A web rendering engine for the future [PDF]
04:16:33Rik ArendsMakepad: Mobile, desktop and web application development in Rust
04:57:35Jesus de Santos GarciaTransforming User Interfaces: A Deep Dive into NoesisGUI
05:30:45Ming Fu
Jonas Oberhauser
Manuel Rego Casasnovas
Rik Arends
Jesus de Santos Garcia
Panel Discussion
July 3rd | Pisa - Realtime System

00:01:04Gabriele PannocchiaWelcome words by University of Pisa
00:03:49Hongbo TianWelcome words by Huawei leader
00:09:02Giorgio Buttazzokeynote: Toward predictable AI-enabled Real-Time Systems [PDF]
01:09:48Paolo BurgioEnabling predictable computing on reconfigurable embedded accelerators [PDF]
01:47:18Sergio SaponaraModel-based Design and Verification and CyberSecurity Solutions for Automotive and Digital Power [PDF]
02:19:59Sergio SavaresiRobo-driver: the enabler of the revolution of personal mobility [PDF]
02:55:57Francesco MarcelloniTowards Trustworthy AI in Next Generation Wireless Networks [PDF]
03:29:17Annachiara RuospoReliability challenges and solutions in the new age of artificial intelligence-powered devices [PDF]
July 4th | Edinburgh - Database, Programing Language & Compiler

00:00:00Shaowei LiuOpening Speech
00:18:20Song ZhangIndustry-academia partnership to accelerate innovation in the new AI era
00:37:52Nikolaos NtarmosBusiness/technical challenge for the GSTS summit
00:49:05Boris GrotServerless-native data analytics
01:17:41Themis PalpanasHigh-Dimensional Vector Similarity Search
03:04:45Dan GhicaBusiness/technical challenge for the GSTS summit
03:15:49Daniel HillerstromEffect Handlers All the Way Down
04:01:04Jonathan BrachthauserProgramming with Effects and Handlers
04:47:13Jinyun YeBusiness/technical challenge for the GSTS summit
04:54:23Jeronimo CastrillonProgramming models and abstractions for computational efficiency
05:41:44Zheng WangPrecise and Robust Machine Learning for Code Analysis and Optimisation
06:29:30Jeff Pan (moderator)
Luca Soldaini
Mark Steedman
Dave Robertson
Dan Ghica
Jinyun Ye
Nikolaos Ntarmos
Firas Alsehly
Luke Darlow
Themis Palpanas
Panel: Software Stack in the LLM Era
July 4th | Dublin - Software Autonomy Trustworthy & Cloud Service & Graphics Rendering Technology

00:00:00Minghua LiuOpening Speech
00:07:12Kenny MitchellScaling advanced video game rendering on mobile
00:56:58Mircea CristeaThe most modern and professional GPU benchmarks
01:34:23Ioannis TsamardinosAdvances in Automated Causal Discovery and Application on Marketing Data
02:15:40Peter TriantafillouMachine unlearning for database analytics, image classification, and LLMs.
03:04:26Lionel BriandLarge Language Models for Software Engineering: Opportunities and Challenges
03:47:04Zhendong SuSolidifying the Software Foundations
04:33:13John D. KelleherNeural Translation of Natural Language Business Queries to SQL
05:18:39Aonghus LawlorAddressing new Challenges in Recommender Systems with LLMs
05:57:31MingMing LiuOn the Design of Privacy-Aware Smart Mobility Systems: From Decentralised Optimisation to Federated Learning
July 5th | Edinburgh - Distributed & Operating Systems, Indoor Positioning & Knowledge Computing

00:00:00Adam BarkerBusiness/technical challenge for the GSTS summit
00:09:21Vasily SartakovIntravisor: Type-3 Hypervisor for Isolation and Sharing in Clouds
01:03:04Sanidhya KashyapTowards Evolving OS with Fast, Flexible, and Practical Extensions
01:51:16Denis BarthouBusiness/technical challenge for the GSTS summit
02:00:07Nahid EmadParallel and Distributed Eigenproblems for Large AI models
02:41:24David DefourSome issues with Floating-Point representation formats and their numerical meaning
03:16:54Firas AlsehlyIs High Availability Indoor Positioning a Myth? Opportunities for Unsupervised 3D Graph Construction
03:56:48Jeff PanBusiness/technical challenge for the GSTS summit
04:10:29Andreas VlachosAutomated Fact-checking, an NLP perspective
04:57:09Luca SoldainiOLMo: Accelerating the Science of Open Language Models
05:43:02Javad HosseiniSynthetic data generation for domain generalization: The cases of Natural Language Inference and Proposition Segmentation