Sergio Savaresi

Robo-driver: the enabler of the revolution of personal mobility

In the next 30 years a revolution is expected in the mobility model: the traditional personal mobility model (based on big, fossil-fuel-powered, personal-ownership cars) will be almost entirely replaced by Mobility-As-A-Service, autonomous, electric/H2 cars. This “revolution” aims to make a quantum leap in the overall efficiency of the mobility system, and to contribute to the improvement of the safety and sustainability of vehicles. This revolution will also deeply affect the structure of the entire automotive industry (layers, players, etc.) Among the main technology megatrends, the autonomous-driving technology has a special/key role: not only is (by far) the most challenging from a technical point of view, but it will play the role of booster/catalyzer of all the other megatrends. The plenary speech aims to provide a high-level view of this technology revolution, highlighting the role and the impact of the autonomous-driving technology.

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Sergio M. Savaresi received the M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Politecnico di Milano, 1992), the Ph.D. in Systems and Control Engineering (Politecnico di Milano, 1996), and the M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (Catholic University, Brescia, 2000). After the Ph.D. he worked as management consultant at McKinsey&Co, Milan Office. He is Full Professor in Automatic Control at Politecnico di Milano since 2006 . He is Deputy Director and Chair of the Systems&Control Section of Department of Electronics, Computer Sciences and Bioengineering (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano. He is author of more than 500 scientific publications. His main interests are in the areas of vehicles control, machine learning, and control applications, with special focus on smart mobility. He has been manager and technical leader of more than 400 research projects in cooperation with leading companies in the automotive industry. He is co-founder of 10 high-tech startup companies. He is the team leader of PoliMOVE, the winner of the the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2022 (first ever high-speed fully-autonomous head-to-head multi-agent race)