Salvatore Ruggieri

Artificial Intelligence research at the Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy

The Artificial Intelligence and Data Science lab at University of Pisa researches on all aspects of the information chain for big data analytics, data mining, machine learning and pattern recognition, human language technologies, and trustworthy AI. The lab is committed to a wide range of business-driven and social-good applications as well as in technology-transfer and in teaching at graduate, master, and PhD level. This talk illustrates current activities of the lab in the field of AI, including explainable AI, bias and fairness, robustness, digital agriculture, low energy AI, deep learning for graphs, human language technologies, high performance computing.

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Salvatore Ruggieri is Full Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa, where he teaches at the Master Programme in Data Science and Business Informatics. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (1999), whose thesis has been awarded by the Italian Chapter of EATCS as the best Ph.D. thesis in Theoretical Computer Science. He is a member of the KDD LAB, with research interests focused in the data mining and knowledge discovery area, including: discrimination discovery and prevention, privacy and fairness, languages and systems for modelling the process of knowledge discovery; sequential and parallel classification algorithms; web mining; and applications.