Boris Grot

Serverless-native data analytics

Traditionally, large-scale data analytics jobs have run in a dedicated on-premise or cloud-based compute cluster. While effective in cases when the query load is steady, dedicated clusters can be inefficient from a cost and/or performance perspective if analytics jobs arrive sporadically or in sudden bursts. Serverless computing, with its extreme elasticity, rapid resource provisioning and usage-based billing, can fill the efficiency gap of cluster-based compute for irregular query arrival patterns. Alas, compared to a traditional cluster, serverless exposes a radically different compute substrate in the form of a vast pool of stateless workers that cannot directly communicate with each other. These differences motivate a need for a serverless-native analytics engine.

This talk will discuss our ongoing work toward that. I will describe the challenges and opportunities in serverless data analytics, and present our approach to navigating these with the Edinburgh Data Analytics Engine for Serverless (ENDLESS).

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Boris Grot is a Professor in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, where he leads the EASE Lab. His research interests include server hardware and software stacks, networking, and datacenter-scale computing. Boris is a member of the MICRO Hall of Fame and a recipient of multiple awards for his research. Boris was the Program Chair for MICRO 2022 and the General Chair for HPCA 2024. "