Michael O’Boyle

Rethinking how we build compilers: synthesis and neural machine translation

Moore’s Law has been the main driver behind the extraordinary success of computer systems. However, with the technology roadmap showing a decline in transistor scaling, computer systems are increasingly heterogeneous, specialised and diverse. As it stands, software will simply not fit and current compiler technology is strugging to bridge the gap. We need to fundamentally rethink the role and design of the compiler.

This talk presents two novel approaches to this problem. The first uses program synthesis to lift programs to MLIR, an emerging infrastructure for building high-level compilers, that can effectively target modern hardware. Our apporach gives a 25x speedup in Intel platforms and can achieve a 189x speedup when using Google's TPU.

The second uses neural machine translation to compiler and decompile code. It outperfroms state of the art decompilers and shows significant improvement over chatGPT with 3 orders of magnitude less weights.

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"Michael O’Boyle is a professor of computer science at the University of Edinburgh. He is best known for his work in incorporating machine learning into compilation and parallelization. He has published over 150 papers, receiving six best paper and two test of time awards. He is an EPSRC established career fellow and a fellow of the BCS"